Resolution Time

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Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a great time celebrating the start of 2014! Along with the beginning of each new year, there’s always talk of resolutions. I’ll admit I’m not usually one to make New Years resolutions. Mainly because I tend to forget what those were only a few days after the 1st. But still, I came up with a few resolutions for this year. Maybe writing them down this year will help me stay on track with my goals.

1. Be more punctual. A part of this, I attribute to Michigan time. The other part is my own fault. At one point in my life, I was all about showing up at least 10 minutes early to things. As time went on, I started to have a tendency to show up late when I meet up with friends.

2. Get over my fear of joining a dance group. I’ve always wanted to join a dance group. During college, I auditioned for a relatively new group at the time. What I didn’t expect was that everyone who showed up had years of experience in ballet, jazz, hip-hop, etc. Since I’ve never had formal training, that event left me feeling overwhelmed and intimidated from auditioning for other groups. But everyone has to begin somewhere. Any one have suggestions for beginner-friendly dance groups [preferably ones with fun, upbeat top 40 music]?

3. Watch at least 3 Disney classics. So I was one of those kids who didn’t watch Disney movies growing up. When I shared with people, I was met with horrified reactions about how much I’ve been missing out. Since then I’ve watched Brave and Tangled. This year, I’m hoping to watch some classics. I’ve seen The Little Mermaid and a part of Hercules. Feel free to comment with suggestions!

4. Wake up before noon on days I have nothing planned. I love sleep. It’s probably because I didn’t get anywhere near enough of a healthy amount of sleep in college. Sometimes, I could even sleep through the entire morning and half of the afternoon. This mostly happens on days when I have no plans before the evening. My goal this year is to wake up and get out of bed before noon and try to be at least semi-productive. Even if that just means reading Thought Catalog.

What are your resolutions for the new year?

On an end note, here’s the song I requested last night that the DJ unfortunately never played.

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